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Détail de "Second Booke of Songes (the)" sur le cd "° CUÉNOD Hugues - Airs de Frescobaldi, Dowland, Carissimi..."

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1. I saw my Lady weep
2. Flow my tears
3. Sorrow, sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears
4. Die not before thy day
5. Mourn, mourn, day is with darkness fled
6. Time's eldest son, old age, the heir of ease (First part)
7. Then sit thee down and say thy 'nunc dimittis' (Second part)
8. When others sing 'Venite exultemus' (Third part)
9. Praise blindness eyes, for seeing is deceit
10. O sweet woods, the delight of solitariness
11. If floods of tears could cleanse my follies past
12. Fine knacks for ladies
13. Now cease my wandering eyes
14. Come ye heavy states of night
15. White as lilies was her face
16. Woeful heart with grief oppressed
17. A shepherd in a shade his plaining made
18. Faction that ever dwells in court
19. Shall I Sue, Shall I seeke for grace
20. Toss not my soul
21. Clear or cloudy sweet as April howering
22. Humour say what makst thou here